
Send Pay Items to Xero

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

This guide assumes that timesheets have already been approved and are ready to send to the payroll team for processing.

Only approved timesheets can be sent to Xero.

While the payroll team can make adjustments to calculations, it’s recommended that the approved timesheets are as close as possible to correct.


  • Xero integration has been setup and currently connected
  • Time Rates and Allowances have been linked to Xero
  • Employees have been linked to Xero
  • Employee has access to Payroll Approvals
  • A draft pay run has been setup in Xero

Navigate to Timeflow – Payroll Approvals

Note: By default, the Start Date is usually the Monday of this week. You will may need to go to the previous starting date to get the right timesheets.

Note: The End Date is not selectable, it is adjusted according to the selected Pay Period.

A full list of employees will be displayed with their calculated timesheets.

  • Note: Contractors are not displayed on this screen.

Click on an individual employee to display their calculated Pay Items.

If the calculations are incorrect, fill in the Override column to make the adjustment.

Once the pay items have been checked, click on the Add Pay Items to Xero button to open up the Xero options.

Note: The Draft Pay Run MUST be setup in Xero previously to sending Pay Items.

Select the appropriate Superannuation options and then send the Pay Items to Xero!