
Manage Schedule Types

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Schedule Types are used on the Field Flow mobile app timesheet screen.

When a staff member opens the app, they will have to select one of the following types (options will vary for your client install).

To manage the schedule types for your staff, please go to the Dashboard.

Then go to the Timeflow icon and click on Schedule Types.

Fill in the Schedule Type form and click Create.

Name (required)Name of the Schedule Type
DescriptionCaption that will be displayed under the name on the mobile app
Time Rate (required)The Time Rate that approved timesheets under this schedule type will be assigned to
ConditionsThe rules that need to be met on Field Flow for the Schedule Type to be visible / valid
Weekday AvailabilityThe weekday(s) that the Schedule Type is to appear on

Once the Schedule Type has been saved, it will need to be assigned to the relevant team(s).

Click on the Teams tab and then select the team(s) that the Schedule Type is assigned to.

Once you have created the Schedule Type and assigned the teams, you can refresh Field Flow to check that the Schedule Type appears.

Note: You will have to make sure that the correct weekday is available and that the conditions for the Schedule Type are valid.