
Approving Timesheets

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

This How to Guide assumes that timesheets have already been setup and staff have started entering in times.

To approve Timesheets, the logged in user needs to be a Team Manager and needs to have Staff Approvals available.

(See Dashboard / Mobile access under Employees reference for assigning Staff Approvals)

Go to Timeflow – Staff Approvals

Once Staff Approvals are open, ensure that the right start date and pay period are selected.

Note: By default, the Start Date is usually the Monday of this week. You will may need to go to the previous starting date to get the right timesheets.

Once you have the correct starting date selected, you will see timesheets looking similar to the below.

Your approval screen may look slightly different based on what timesheets have been submitted.

  1. Staff name – this can be an employee or contractor
  2. Time Entered by the staff member and Time Approved by the manager
    • The Time Approved incrementally increases as timesheets get approved
    • It’s usually expected that the Time Entered and Time Approved are the same, however rejected timesheets can create a discrepancy
  3. The status of the time entry
    • The yellow exclamation mark is an new time entry
    • Approved time entries have a green tick
    • Rejected time entries have a red cross
  4. Reject & Approve buttons
  5. Start and End times for the time entry
    • These times can be changed before approving or rejecting the time entry
  6. Schedule Type
    • Depending on the conditions, this can be changed
  7. Notes and Attachments
    • If the staff member has entered in any notes or uploaded any attachments to the time entry
    • These cannot be changed

Note: The first time entry is an Allowance. They can only be approved or rejected.

Once time entries have been approved and / or rejected, the timesheet will look similar to below.

Approved time entries cannot be modified and Rejected time entries can be adjusted.

Approved and Rejected time entries can be reversed, however once an entry has been approved or rejected, its status will stay.

If you need to adjust an approved time entry,

  1. Reject the approve time entry
  2. Make the adjustments
  3. Re-approve the time entry

As timesheets are approved and rejected, the staff list to the left is updated as per below.

  • Red – some of the time entries have been approved or rejected
  • Green – all time entries have been approved or rejected
  • Black – no time entries have been submitted

The first number is the number of approved / rejected time entries. The second number is the total time entries.